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Sunday, May 10, 2009

Little Stinker

Well Isaac has been keeping the Dr.s and Nurses busy today and boy was it funny.
He is doing good as far as recovering from all the surgery and procedures that
happened this weekend, but his blood pressure is doing some crazy stuff then
stabilizing just before the medications or new machines get there. and every time a
certain nurse gets near him he makes his oxygenation sensor sound the alarm He
behaved while I was in earshot but as soon as I stepped back for them to do the
x-ray on his chest to make sure everything was still in the right place he would start
the alarms again. Too funny and his room mates were doing the same thing the little
girl who's twin went home earlier this week had gas and refused to eat for anyone
including her mom. The other baby they call baby George was making all sorts of
problems keeping Isaacs favorite nurse busy.

Isaac is very swollen from all the IV.s and blood transfusions and Platelets and just
the fact that his kidneys were being affected by the heart problem up until Friday
his weight today was 1LB 9OZ its good that he gained back to his birth weight in
thw two weeks but we don't know what kind of stress he is under because of the
swelling and his body recovering from surgery so pray that his sono will come back
with no brain bleeds and that he will get back on track asap. Thanks for all the prayers
and support I had a great Mother's Day and am getting rest, now if we could just get
rid of the construction or shorten the drive from 30 minutes it would be a miracle.

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