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Monday, May 11, 2009

A Wonderful Day!

Wow what a diference from yesterday. Isaac is now off all medications and doing really good as far as
his breathing goes. The Dr and nurses are working towards getting him stablized enough this week to
where they don't have to have as many blood gasses and can remove his PAL so I can hold him. His
swelling has gone down dramaticly and he has gained weight. As of Sunday he weighed 1LB 9OZ and he
has gained a little more since then acording to the scale. His lef eye opened today and I know the right
eye isn't far behimd because it looked like it was trying to open. His tiny little hand is looking bigger and
he grips more and more of my fingertip everyday Please keep the prayers coming Isaac needs as many as
he can get What a blessing to see God working in such a miraculous way.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jessica, I am a friend of Janice and Foy. We used to live in Deming. Janice has kept us updated on your tiny little guy. We have been praying for Isaac. I have my prayer chain praying too. Your blog is nice, this is a good way to put the word out.
    Our Great Grandaughter was born about a month ago. She was born too fast and her lungs didnot have time to adjust from breathing liquid to breathing air. Then she got the Flu which turned into Pneuminia. We almost lost her. She was in Childrens (in MO. Got to come home and is gaining weight and doing well! We give God all the glory. You just hang in there, your little guy will be fine. Love Trish
