Wow I can't believe its been a whole week already so much has happened and our littel Isaac is such a miracle baby living up to his name. Just a few things have happened but they are such big things for him. his Jaundice has almost completely gone away, they have given him meds for his low bood pressure and weaned him off. He barely uses the ventilator basicly it is there so he doesn't wear himself out. He has gained weight and looks a little more chunky too. They did the sono on his brain on Sunday morning and it showed no signs of bleeding which is such an answer to prayer, and I pray it stays that way. They have given him the first round of meds to close the passage in his heart that will prevent his lungs filling with liquid since they are doing so well we really need this to close and stay closed. They are going to take the lines/tubes out of his belly button sometime this week and as soon as that happens we can hold him.
Our church family has been such a huge blessing taking in the other children and ringing us meals we really appreciate it and it is such a HUGE help not having to worry about what we are going to eat when we get back from the hospital or all the other Dr.s appointments and the kids are having so much fun they really don't understand whats going on and they miss us but not to an extreme that they are crying or causing problems they just thing its a really long play date.
Nate and I would like to thank everyone for all the help and can't wait to bring Isaac home to show everyone what they are working so hard for. I am working to get pictures linked here but might have to have a little tech support before they are up but for now there is Facebook.
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