We have had a crazy couple of months with trips, birthdays, and finishing up projects. My Grandfather's health has gotten worse with his cancer spreading into his bones he is weak and tired. We enjoyed seeing him even if it was one heck of a crazy week with busted sewage lines and 12 hour road trips. We didn't get to do any hiking in the mountains because it was just too hot in the desert and we were needed at the house to tell the workers what was happening and where to dig and such. Cousins came not to visit but to chip in and help out wherever it was needed and I cannot tell you all how happy I am to be a part of a family that gets along and is as BIG as Texas!!
As for birthdays Jacob's was spent in the car on the way back from one of our trips. When we arrived home we made home made donuts and a week later celebrated with his Aunt by making a Tardis cake (they are BIG Dr. Who fans). Josiah had a pool party at a friends house with pizza and Dinosaurs!!! I will eventually get pictures of these up to show you all.
Isabelle had a grand time of her birthday we had a surprise Texas downpour and we had to transport the cake in to the house under a towel and an umbrella what a site we were!!. after cake and ice cream we all piled in the cars and went shopping!! what a time the girls had wandering through the book store and then target trying on shoes. Much like a giant dress up party!!
The main project I have been working on is organizing Isabelle's room so that it is easier to clean and in order to do that I have had to prime and paint some old IKEA shelves from our living room and strengthen them up a little. So here is Izzy's room before and you will just have to wait to see the reveal!
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