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Tuesday, January 22, 2013


   Sooo we have been busy! We currently have 11 children living in our home on top of our new roof getting put on and the skylights getting ripped out, and did I mention I got tired of the linoleum in the kitchen, well I ripped that stuff out after my kids made it into a ramp with duplo blocks for their hotwheels and I tripped over it in the middle of the night going to the bathroom! I have actually gotten a few thing accomplished during all this. I have been going through the kids clothing and passing on what my kids just don't ever wear and things they have outgrown. I have purged some decorating things that I just am not in love with anymore and am tired of dusting. I also finished painting the kitchen and then realized the other night that behind the microwave is still yellow and behind the fridge is um well its never been painted guess we have just been too lazy to move that appliance in 10 years.
  So needless to say when we lay flooring this weekend we will be moving that sucker and painting back there. My sweet husband has started putting the shelves up over the freezer for my frequently used jars and serving platters as well as installing a hot water heater after ours went out and installed the water filtration unit that has been sitting around for(kinda embarrassed about this one) 3 years! I know we had a very good excuse called Isaac but that should have been our motivation to get it installed faster. So I started writing this post today to let you all know I am taking pictures around the house to give you all a photo tour of our house and all the work I have been telling you all about over the past year. It will take time since I have to move the luggage and ballet costumes that are cluttering about from our house guests (more on the 11 children when I can) and make sure you can see all the lovely changes that we have done.  I promise you will see said pictures this week it will not be another week or month from now!

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